An Idaho business EIN, standing for employer identification number, is also known as a federal tax identification number. This number is designed to help the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) identify your CDA business as an operating entity within the United States. If you apply for an EIN number, it also enables business owners to conduct tax-related actions that would otherwise need a social security number.


You will need to register for an EIN in Idaho if:

  • You have Idaho employees
  • You operate your business in Idaho as a partnership or firm
  • You file Idaho excise, alcohol, tobacco, employment, or firearms tax returns
  • You withhold taxes on revenue in Idaho
  • You are involved with an Idaho trust, IRA, estate, non-profit, real estate mortgage investment conduit, farmers’ cooperative, or plan administrator program
  • You incorporate your business in Idaho
  • You receive an Idaho company that you run as a sole proprietorship


Privacy Reasons

Another reason you may want to obtain an EIN in Idaho is for privacy. If working with customers that need your social security number for payment and tax related issues, an EIN number will take its place and protect your identity from theft.